
Our high-quality services and expertise are combined with our policy to add value and give personal attention so that we deliver maximum benefit to our clients.


Audit & Assurance

Statutory and non-statutory engagements
System evaluations and recommendations
Agreed upon procedures
Forensic audits
Special purpose assurance reports
Independent Reviews

Accounting/Cloud Accounting

Monthly bookkeeping
Calculation of VAT, completion and submission of VAT201 returns
Compilation of financial statements
Independent Reviews
Preparation of routine management reports and budgets


Monthly retainer of payroll
Submission of returns (EMP201 – monthly submission, EMP501 – half yearly submission)
Compilation of payslips
UIF declaration electronic submission
Facilitate registrations for PAYE, UIF and COIDA
Completion and submission of COIDA returns


Submission of returns (annual return, provisional return, dividend withholding return)

Estate & Administration

Estate planning
Estate administration


Write up of Company Register/ Retainer
Submission of annual return (CIPC)
Submission of AFS (XBRL) & FAS
Submission of Companies Compliance Checklist
Submission of Beneficial Ownership (CIPC & Master)
Registrations (Company, Trust)
Memorandum of Incorporation (Long/Short)
Conversions (M&A to MOI/ Close Corporation to Company)
Name reservation/change
Shares (Allotment, buy back, transfer, increase, section 42)
Appointment/ Resignation/ Change (Director, Trustee, Member)
Confirmation letters


Submission of returns (annual return, provisional return, dividend withholding return)
Taxpayer Registrations (Individual, Trust, Company & Close Corporation)
Other Registrations (VAT, Diesel, PAYE, UIF, SDL, Compensation Commissioner, Customs)
Applications (Directive, exemption, tax clearance)
Ad hoc services (Penalty waiver, request for correction, notice of objection, notice of appeal)
SARS appointment


Advisory services to new and existing businesses
Group restructuring
Advance tax planning and advice